
Which company would you like to work for?你想去哪个公司工作啊?

I've worked in this company for one year.我在这个公司工作有一年了。

I'm working on a novel now.我现在正在写一部小说。

How did you work it?你是怎么办成的?

Don't work yourself too hard. Take care.别让自己工作太累了。保重。

Please be careful to work the future into this room.请小心地把家具移到这间屋里。

Would you tell me how to work this machine?你能告诉我怎么开动这台机器吗?                            Let me show you.让我演示给你看。

I work the North America area and make a lot of money.我做北美地区的生意,赚了不少钱。

Is the movie so horrible that your face works?电影这么恐怖吗?以至于你吓得脸都扭曲了?

I'm sorry. I have some work to do.对不起,我还有些事要做。

★ Would you please work to the rules?你能不能按规则办事?

★ Don't worry. We're working to the plan.别担心,我们正在照计划行事。

★ Do they have to work to tight deadline?他们需要按严格的截止日期工作吗?

★ Don't work to music. It's easy to make mistakes.别边听音乐边工作,容易犯错。

★ I'm always able to work her out.我总是很了解她。

★ The total works out at 1000 dollars.总数为1000美元。

★ You can't work out the total number without a calculator.没有计算器你没法算出总数。

★ Can you work out this problem?你能解决这个问题吗?

★ Did all the things work out well?所有事情的结果都很不错吗?

★ Have you worked off the bank loan?你还清银行贷款了吗?

★ Why did you work off your anger on Tom?你为什么把火发在汤姆身上啊?

★ How did she work off the acne on her face?她脸上的青春痘是怎么去掉的啊?

★ Let's do some exercises to work off excess weight.我们一起来做运动减肥吧。

★ We should work up our business.我们应该逐步发展我们的生意。

★ Why did he work up support for the opponents?他为什么支持对手?

★ I'm trying to work my paper up into publication.我正把我的论文修改成能发表的文章。

★ Do you know that the drama will work up to the climax tonight?你知道话剧今晚要演到高潮了吗?

★ Did he work himself up about the mistake made by the secretary?他有没有对秘书的失误大动肝火啊?

A: Sherry, could you lend me one hundred dollars? 雪莉,你能借我一百美元吗?

B: How come? 怎么回事?

A: I lost my wallet at work. 我上班的时候把钱包丢了。

B: All right. No hurry to work it off. 好的。不用着急还。(at work表示“在工作的地方”;work sth. off=get rid of sth.by work“通过工作还钱”)

A: We're working towards the common goal. 我们正朝着相同的目标努力。

B: I agree with you. 我同意。

A: I think we must work harder. 我觉得我们还需要工作得更努力。

B: I see. I think so. 我明白,我也这么觉得。(work towards=strive to reach“努力达到”)


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