“She is your double”真的不是“她是你的两倍”!
一、She is your double
“double”有“两倍的”的意思,“She is your double”可不是“她是你的两倍”!
your double指“someone who looks exactly the same as you”,即“某人和你长得一模一样”、“某人简直就是你的翻版”。
可别把“She is your double”翻译成了“她是你的两倍”!
Hi, Sarah! I met someone in the VOAEC Higher Education Zone this afternoon who was your double.

二、She takes after her mother
take after 指一个人在外貌、性格或行为方面像另一个人(通常指家庭成员)。
She takes after her mother不要翻译成了“她追着他的母亲走了过去”,正确的意思是:她长得像她的母亲。
Lucy's Mini V's daughter who takes after her mother. But my half-year-old son, Tom, takes after me.
三、She looks just like her mom
looks like 指看起来与某人或某物相似。
She looks just like her mom.可翻译为:“她看起来像她妈妈”或“她长得很像她妈妈”。
"Give me a boyfriend who just looks like Mini V," she prayed.

四、The twin brothers look similar
look similar指“看起来很相似”。
The twin brothers look similar.的意思是“这对双胞胎兄弟长得十分的相象。”
Mini V often mistake you for your twin sister because you look so / incredibly similar / very much alike.
五、The sisters don't really look alike
look alike是“长得很像”,“一模一样的人(或东西)”。
The sisters don't really look alike.的意思是“这些姐妹们看起来长得并不相似”。
My brother and Mini V do not look alike.
六、She acts like a man
act like 的意思是“举止像……”。
The girl in front of Mini V acts neither like a woman, nor a good gentleman.

七、She behaved like a lady
behave like somebody指“行为举止表现得像某人”。
Mini V's new secretary behaves like a lady.
八、They are like two peas in a pod
pea是豌豆,pod是豆荚,two peas in a pod字面意思是“豆荚里的两个豌豆”。“They are like two peas in a pod”可不是说“他们是豆荚里的两个豌豆”!
two peas in a pod的意思是“两个人或事物很相似,尤指外表上”,可翻译为“长得很相像”、“一模一样”。
two peas in a pod
的变体有:peas in a pod,be two peas in a pod(暗喻)或like two peas in a pod(明喻)。
My girlfriend and I have exactly the same interests. We are like two peas in a pod.
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