25. 象人-6-2

The visit to the theatre was difficult but a visit to the country was more difficult. But again, one of his new friends helped us. She had a small house in the country, and Merrick could stay in it for the summer, she said.
I took Merrick to the country in a train with dard window, so nobody could see him. Then we went in a cab to the country house.
There were a lot of trees near the house, but no people lived near it. A countryman broght food to the house everyday, but no people came near it.
I stayed with him that night. At night, it was very dark and quiet. In the morning, hundreds of birds sang in the trees, and everything outside the house was green. Merrick walked under the big trees, looking at the things happily, and singing his strange song.
I went back to London, but Merrick stayed there for six weeks. He was wonderfully happy.
Every week, he wrote me a letter.
Apple Tree House, West Wickham, Berkshire. 21 th July 1889
Dear Dr Treves
I had a wodnerfuly day again today, It was very warm, so I walked under the trees and sat by a stream. The water in the stream made a beautiful noise, like singing. Did you know that? I listened to it for two hours.
Lots of birds came near me. One had a red body in front, and a brown back. I gave it some bread, and it sat on my hand. A lot of birds are my friends, now.
I watched the fish in the stream, too. They were very exciting, because they move very fast. One minute they were therer, and the next minute I coldn't see them. But I waited quietly, and they always came back. I put my hand in the next water, but I couldn't touch them.
I met a big dog yearterday. It made a very loud noise, but I was not afraid. I sat down quietly and looked it, and it came and smelt my hand. I saw it again today, and gave it some bread. It likes me now.
I am going to put some flowers from the country in his letter. There are hundreds of flowers here. Did you know that? I like them little blue ones best, but they are all beauriful. I have lots of them in my room. I give them water very morning. Little flowers are very thirsty, you know! I am very happy here, doctor, but I want to see you again soon, too.
With love from your friend,
Joseph Merrick
At the end of the summer he came back to London. He was very well, and his skin looked much better. He talked about the country a lot, but he was happy to see his friends and his books again, too.


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