New Concept English II-lesson 27


Late in the afternoon,the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.

As soon as this was done,they cooked a meal over an open fire.

They were all hungry and the food smelled good.

After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.

But some time later it began to rain.

The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.

Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable,so they all selpt soundly.

In the middle of the night,two boys woke up and began shouting .

The tent was full of water!

They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside.

It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field.

The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!


1.put up the tent-搭帐篷


1.They have already put up the tent.

2.The tent must have been put up by them.

3.Instead of putting up the tent,they went into the house.

2.tell a story/stories-讲故事


1.She gave up telling stories for you.

2.Both my parents are keen on telling stories.

3.Can you tell a storiy now?

3.put out the fire-灭火


1.Don't worry.The fire will be put out.

2.As soon as they put out the fire,they crepy into the tent.

3.I believe that they have already put out the fire.

4.wake up-醒来


1.I wake up at 8:00 every morning.

5.begin doing sth. = begin to do sth -开始做某事


1.He began playing jazz.

2.She began complaining about her boyfriend.


1.When did the boys put up their tent?

-Late in the afternoon.

2.Where did they put it up?

-In the middle of the filed.

3.What did they do next?

-They cooked a meal.

4.Did they feel hungry?

-Yes, they did.

5.What smelled good?

-The meal.

6.What did they do after thire meal?

-They told stories and sang songs.

7.When did it begin to rain?

-Some time later.

8.Why did the  boys put out the fire?

-Because they felt tird .

9.Why did they all sleep soundly?

-Beacause their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable.

10.When did two of the boys wake up?

-In the middle of the night.

11.Why did they begin shouting?

-Because the tent full of the water.

12.What did all the  boys do?

-They leapt  out their sleeping bags and hurried outside.

3.Asking questions

1.Ask me if they put up their tent late in the afternoon.

-Did they put up their tent late in the afternoon?

-When did they put up their tent?

2.The boys put up their tent late in the afternoon.(when/what)

-When did the boys put up their tent?

-What did the boys put up late in the afternoon?

3.It was in the middle of a field.(where)

-Where was it ?

4.They cooked a meal.(What)

-What did they cook?

5.They cooked it over an open fire.(How)

-How did they cook it ?

6.They told stories afterwards.(what ... do)

-What did they do afterwards?

7.They sang songs too.(What else)

-What else did they do?

8.They sat round the campfire.(where)

-Where did they sit ?

9.It begin to rain later.(when)

-when did it begin to rain?

10.The boys felt tired.(how)

-How did the boys feel?

11.They put out the fire.(why)

-Why did they put out the fire?

12.They all slept soundly.(How/who)

-How did they all slept?

-Who slept soundly?
13.Two boys woke up.(who/why/when)

-Who woke up?

-Why did two boys wake up?

-When did two boys wake up?

4.Tell the stories.

1.late -boys-tent-field

-Late in the afternoon,there were some boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.

2.done-cooked-open fire

-As soon as this was done,they cooked a meal over an open fire.


-After a wonderful meal,they told stories and sang songs each other.


-But some time latter, it began to rain.

5.tired-put out-crept-tent

-They felt tired so they put out the fire and they crept into their tent.

6.sleeping bags-slept soundly

-The sleeping bags were warm and comfortable , so they all slept soundly.

7.middle -woke-because-water

-In the middle of night, two boys woke up and began shouting,because the tent was full water.

8.All-leapt out-outside

-All boys leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside.

9.raining heavily-stream-field

-It's raining heavily and a stream had formed in the field.

10.wound its way across -under- tent.

-The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under the tent.

5.Topics for discussion

1.What must you take with you when you go on a camping expedition?

-Fast food product、water、tent、sleeping bags and lighter.

2.Imagine you are sitting round a campire with some friends.Tell an interestiing stroy.

-A years ago,my friends George was reading in bedroom, two thieves climped into his kitchen, because it's too dark, so the thieves turn on the torch,suddenly, some voice behind them, "what's up?"  "what's up?", the theieves got frightend, they ran away hurriedly. George heard the noise, he went into dining room and turn on the light quickly, his parrot asked him "what's up? George",George smiled said "Nothing,go back to sleep,Hurry".

3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of a camping holiday?

-Camping holiday can help our apporch the nature, and make us relax.But camping holiday exist some unknow danger.


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