今日体会到了人性的复杂Today I experienced the complexity of human nature
A friend's electric car was blocked and she was eager to get off at once. The traffic police team wanted you to study and get in trouble. Let you remember your lesson and not repeat it in the future. Finally, when asked about her difficulties, she revealed that she had no time because she had to supplement her children's English this weekend and had scheduled a doctor in Xi'an to see his father next Monday. Finally, the traffic police gave her a green light and asked her to go on Sunday afternoon. Because she was eager to get off the electric bike, she didn't stop and said, "I'll give you two mutton tickets." Upon learning how easy it was, on the way back, she turned her back and said she didn't want to give mutton tickets, complaining that her mouth was too fast!
I think many people around me are like this: when they really want to accomplish something, they want to give them valuable things or money, but when they get it, they back out. I seem to think this matter is easy, complaining about giving others too much!
Human nature is so complex! Do you have such people around you?

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