drink about 畅饮
sip away on (the water/drink) 喝口
crop up 出现
hit the sack 睡觉,就寝
catch the Zs 打个盹
safe cracking 撬窃保险箱
recycling bin 废物回收箱
breaking and entering 破门闯入罪
drive-through 不必下车即可得到服务的餐馆(或银行等),驾车窗口
a money on my back (a constant problem that is not leaving you)一个持续困扰着你,不会离开的问题
easy does it 慢点(别磕着碰到)
feel up to doing sth. 感到能胜任(某事);<非正>感到自己有能力(有力气)或适于(做某事)
【例句:Do we have to go to the party? I really don't feel up to it. 我们一定得去聚会吗?我实在没有精力应付了。】
have sth. down pat 胸有成竹,完全彻底理解某事
【例句:I know I did well on the test. I had all the material down past. 】
and then some 远不止这些 (and much more besides)
wishy-washy 形容某人没主见,形容某人说的话没实际意义,假大空
someone is a doormat 某人谁的都听,谁都能踩
running dog 走狗
pushover 没主见
【例句:Rachel is kind of a pushover. 】
dog end 烟头
a dog's breakfast 乱七八糟
dog leg 急转弯
churro 西班牙油条
ice storage 冰库
This is an issue with 这是个某方面的问题
all-expenses-paid 开销全免
square eyes 四角眼,方眼人(指看电视过多的人);电视迷
take off 突然离开,不告而别
permanent residency 永久居民身份
loose change 零钱
extension cord 延长线
fly swatter 苍蝇拍
reading glasses 老花镜
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