Easy way to quit masturbating .

1.The object of this book is to get you into the frame of mind in which, in stead of the feeling that you are climbing Mount Everest and spend the next few weeks craving to watch porns and envying those who have sexual practices , you start right away with a feeling of elation, as if you had been cured of a terrible disease. From then on, the further you go through life the more you will look at yourself and wonder how you ever watched porns and masturbated in the first place. You will look at porn viewers with pity and do not envy those who have sexual practices .

2. However, let us accept that, whether you like it or not, you believe you are hooked. When you believe you are hooked, you can never be completely relaxed or accept the challenges of life unless you have finished watching porns and masturbating.

3. The normal method of stopping masturbation is usually this : 'If only I can go long enough without watching porns and masturbating , eventually the desire of it will go.'

4.However, the normal method of stopping watching porns and masturbating is very difficult to succeed for the following reasons:

⭐Stopping watching porns is not the real problem. Every time you shut your laptop up you stop watching them .You may have powerful reasons on day one to say, 'I do not want to watch it any more' - all viewers have, every day of their lives, and the reasons are more powerful than you can possibly imagine.The real problem is day two, day ten or day ten thousand, when in a weak moment, an inebriated moment or even a strong moment you have one look or even just one thought, and because it is partly drug addiction you then want another, and suddenly you are a porn viewer again.

⭐The health scares should stop us. Our rational minds say, 'Stop doing it. You are a fool,' but in fact they make it harder. We masturbate , for example, when we feel weak in life . Tell porn viewers that it is killing them, and the first thing they will do is to turn on their computer when backing home . 

⭐All reasons for stopping actually make it harder for two other reasons. First, they create a sense of sacrifice. We are always being forced to give up our Wonderful heaven or prop or pleasure, whichever way the porn viewers sees it. Secondly, they create a 'blind'. We do not watch them for the reasons we should stop. The real question is 'Why do we want or need to do it?'

5.The Easy Method is basically this: initially to forget the reasons we'd like to stop, to face the porn problem and to ask ourselves the following questions:

⭐What is it doing for me?

⭐Do I actually enjoy it?

⭐Do I really need to spend the rest of my life relying on these things ?

6.Say to the most confirmed pron viewer -  'Do you encourage your children to watch porns or masturbate?','NO WAY' is the reply.

7.Yet every one of them wishes he or she had not started in the first place, telling us that it is a harm to health and mentality .

8.The answer is that porn watching is not habit: IT IS DOPAMINE ADDICTION!

9.That is because they do not understand drug addiction. The main reason is that porn viewers are convinced that they get some genuine pleasure and/or crutch from it and believe that they are making a genuine sacrifice if they quit.

10.The actual reason why porn viewers continue to do it is a subtle combination of the factors . They are:



11. The main reason that porn viewers find it difficult to quit is that they believe that they are giving up a genuine pleasure or crutch. It is absolutely essential to understand that you are giving up nothing whatsoever.

12.Brainwashing and the Sleeping Partner

13.The worst thing we ever suffer from is fear, and the greatest gain you will receive is to be rid of that fear.

14.All you have to do is two things.

⭐Make the decision that you are never going to watch porns or masturbate again.

⭐Don't mope about it. Rejoice.

15.Whatever you do DO NOT DOUBT YOUR DECISION. Once you start to doubt, you will start to mope, and it will get worse.

16.And you will remain a happy non-masturbator provided:

⭐You never doubt your decision.

⭐You don't wait to become a non-masturbator. If you do, you will merely be waiting for nothing to happen, which will create a phobia.

⭐You don't try not to think about watching porns or masturbating or wait for the 'moment of revelation' to come. Either way you will merely create a phobia.

⭐You don't use substitutes.

⭐You see all other masturbators as they really are and pity them .

17.No matter how long you have stopped or how confident you are that you will never become hooked again, make it a rule of life not to watch porns or masturbate for any reason.


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