CS111 Data science

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This is the second part of Lecture 9; it covers clustering

Clustering refers to a very broad set of techniques for finding subgroups, or clusters, in a data set

Seek to partition observations into distinct groups so that the observations within each group are similar to each other, while observations in different groups are different from each other

What means to be “di fferent” and “similar”? Often it is a domain specific issue

Think about why clustering is not classification; recall fraud detection in credit card transactions vs. fraud detection in medicare expense

Sometimes, people do PCA first and then do clustering in exploratory data analysis (EDA)

PCA looks to find a low-dimensional representation of the  observations that explain a good fraction of the variance

Clustering observations looks to find homogeneous subgroups among the observations

Different Clustering Approaches

There exist a great number of clustering methods

In this section, we focus onK-means clustering andhierarchical clustering

K-means clustering : partition the observations into a pre-specified number of clusters

hierarchical clustering (optional): not know in advance how many clusters we want; end up with a tree-like visual representation of the observations, called adendrogram

K-means Clustering

LetC1, ··· , CK denote sets containing the indices of the observations in each cluster. These sets satisfy two properties:

C1fi C2··· fi CK ={1, ··· , n}

Ck andC kÕ have empty intersection, for di fferentk and

Idea for k-means clustering: a good clustering is one for which the within-cluster variation is as small as possible

W (Ck ): a measure of the amount by which the observations within a cluster di ffer from each other, defined by

K-means algorithm solves

K-means Clustering - an illustration

K-means Algorithm

Brutal force way is infeasible computationally

The next algorithm finds an approximate solution

Why the Algorithm Works?

Algorithm 10.1 is guaranteed to decrease the value of the following objective at each step

To understand this, we need

Because the K-means algorithm finds a local rather than a global optimum, the results obtained will depend on the initial (random) cluster assignment of each observation

It is important to run the algorithm multiple times from di fferent random initial configurations (which one do you choose in the end?)

Hierarchical Clustering (Optional)

Hierarchical clustering is an alternative approach to K-means clustering which does not require that we commit to a particular choice ofK

In this section, we describebottom-up oragglomerative clustering

Practical Issues in Clustering

Should the features first be rescaled in some way?

In the case of K-means clustering, how many clusters should we look for in the data?

In the case of hierarchical clustering (optional),

What dissimilarity measure should be used?

What type of linkage should be used?

Where should we cut the dendrogram in order to obtain clusters?

Answers : With these methods, there is no single right answer–any solution that exposes some interesting aspects of the data should be considered

In practice, we try several di fferent choices, and look for the one with the most useful or interpretable solution

Caution about a data set : clustering results should not be taken as the absolute truth


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