英语学习笔记-day 14
- 学句子,背单词,继续加油,努力学习。
- 单词很重要,句子更重要。
- 通过语意块的分割练习,熟练掌握句子意思和读法;
- 通过拼音法,记单词,才能不漏字母;
- What's up, guys! It's Maggie and Adam here.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- What's up,
- guys!
- It's Maggie
- and Adam
- here.
- What's up
- We just came back from a ten-day trip to South America, and we learned a lot about packing along the way.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- We just came back
- from a ten-day trip
- to South America,
- and we learned a lot
- about packing
- along the way.
- a-long
- So in this video, we want to show you some items that were being carried around in our suitcases.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- So in this video,
- we want
- to show you
- some items
- that were being carried
- around
- in our suitcases.
- The first item is an Ostrich Pillow.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- The first item is
- an Ostrich Pillow.
- Os-trich
- pi-llow
- This is perfect for the long flight home.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- This is perfect
- for the long flight
- home.
- per-fect
- I put it on the minute we got on the plane, and the next thing I knew I was being awakened for breakfast.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- I put it
- on the minute
- we got
- on the plane,
- and the next thing
- I knew
- I was being awakened
- for breakfast.
- a-wa-ken
- Another handy item we carried was a portable charger.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Another handy item
- we carried
- was a portable charger.
- han-dy
- por-ta-ble
- char-ger
- If you're like me , you hate it when your phone dies during a trip, then this charger is a must-have.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- If you're
- like me ,
- you hate it
- when your phone dies
- during a trip,
- then this charger is
- a must-have.
- mu-st-ha-ve
- Speaking of charging, we also brought a universal power adapter.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Speaking
- of charging,
- we also brought
- a universal power adapter.
- uni-ver-sal
- a-dap-ter
- This is useful for people who love to travel around the world.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- This is useful
- for people
- who love to travel
- around the world.
- The next item is a box of Ziploc bags.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- The next item
- is a box
- of Ziploc bags.
- Zip-loc
- The bags are waterproof, so we put our passports and other important documents in them to protect them from water damage.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- The bags are waterproof,
- so we put our passports
- and other important documents
- in them
- to protect them
- from water damage.
- wa-ter-proo-f
- pro-tect
- da-ma-ge
- Last but not least, a health kit.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Last
- but not least,
- a health kit.
- a health kit
- heal-th
- One of the worst things that can happen during a trip is getting sick, so we always bring a DIY health kit with us.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- One
- of the worst things
- that can happen
- during a trip
- is getting sick,
- so we always
- bring a DIY health kit
- with us.
- D-I-Y
- So we will probably end the video here.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- So we will probably
- end the video
- here.
- pro-bab-ly
- vi-de-o
- Hopefully, this video can help make your next trip more comfortable.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Hopefully,
- this video can help
- make your next trip
- more comfortable.
- com-for-table
- If you enjoyed this video, drop us a like, and as always, we will catch you guys in the next one.
- If you
- enjoyed this video,
- drop us a like,
- and as always,
- we will catch you guys
- in the next one.
- en-joy
- drop us a like
- ca-tch
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